Monday, February 11, 2008

Hillbilly Housewife

This has to be one of my favorite sites for saving money on groceries. Great recipes, great ideas and they work. My family loves the recipes and the kids have no idea how easy it is to save money on groceries by using these ideas.

Great budgeting ideas and lots of creative sites link to this site. Under new management and better than ever!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Making it Work

Its all falling into place. My debt payments are finally going down as are the credit card balances. I have been diligently applying all extra funds to the balances and making bigger payments as much as possible. The result? The minimum payments are going down and the balances are slowly going down.

I have carefully created a budget and am staying right on track. Anytime I wind up with a few extra dollars I am applying it to my debt.

We are still eating well and I have not scrimped on our grocery budget but rather made sure to purchase wholesome foods that though not pre packaged convenience foods I have learned to prepare enough that we have extra for another meal and by buying bulk we are able to save even more.

My family loves homemade bread so I have taken advantage of that and started making bread a few times per week. Saves on the (not so low) price of $2.50 per average loaf and when I add that savings up I can buy more of something else on sale and stock up.

How ever you are able to cut corners, cut them and get rid of the debt. Your life will be so much more stress free and your family will be so much happier.

For ways to earn extra cash check out my other blogs (go to "about me" and then select "view my complete profile" to see a listing of my other blogs). I also have inspirational blogs, more about my family and some great recipes depending on which blog you are reading.

Keep up the great work everyone! Thanks for all the great messages I have been getting and for the great suggestions.

Lets make 2008 the year that we all get out of debt!