Sunday, November 4, 2007


Debt....suddenly, its hits you. Oh no, it didn't really happen all at once, it just seems that way. Actually, you have been getting there all along. I sat back one day after paying the bills. I was staring at a pile of credit card debt that seemed to just keep growing. Well, okay, it was growing. By only paying minimum payments I was never going to get out of debt. I had to do something, and I had to do it quickly before my debt became unmanageable. I had a car that barely ran. I had a job that paid minimum wage. I had a lot of other things going on and the debt was getting deeper. As per the norm with things like this, my car gave out completely. It was the dead of winter and I was sick. I began to walk to work. It only took 15 minutes each way. I continued to walk telling myself how great the exercise was (I know, it really really was good for me!) Unfortunately, I continued to get sicker. I wound up spending 12 days in bed sick. I no longer had my job, I had more debt (now it included a major hospital Emergency trip bill....2 trips to the emergency room are very expensive even with insurance!) I was desperate. I was in debt. I began to research ways to get out of debt. Working from home was part of the solution. I did a lot of research. I found some great websites that have helped me to make a major dent in getting out of and staying out of debt. I hope this site will help you in your debt free endeavors also!

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