Getting out of debt takes a plan. One cannot just wake up one morning and say, "I'm going to be out of debt today". It takes some planning and the use of a strict budget to get out of debt. Sometimes it takes more. An extra job, getting rid of satellite television, getting rid of some luxury that we can do without for awhile. But it is not going to happen if we just sit around starring at the ceiling. In order to get a better handle on my debt I joined some GPT sites and some PTC sites and several writing sites. I write, they publish, they pay, I collect the money and pay another bill. Sometimes it seems like a vicious cycle but all in all, it is working very well so far. For more ideas or to join any or all of the sites I listed above please see my website and lets get out of debt bill payment at a time. My website is located at:
Please feel free to take a look around, sign the guest book. If you join up under me and you have a site I am not already on please let me know and I will join up under you. Thanks and have a great debt free day.
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