Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How often should you review?

Another question I am frequently asked is, "How often should I review my debt?" For each person this may be different. But on the average, I would recommend that you review your bills on a monthly basis. I check each of my credit card statements. Having been the victim of identity theft I want to make sure that there are no unauthorized charges on that bill. If there are, I want the opportunity to dispute them immediately. If there are late fees I want to work on paying on time and not adding to those! If at all possible I want to pay before the due date to prevent any near misses by their processing department. Review...Review......R E V I E W. Are you being charged for services such as a "credit alert" or "Credit Protect" on more than one card? Why? If they cover all of your cards you don't need to be paying it on all 4 or so cards. Choose the card with the lowest interest that you are paying for said service on and cancel it on the rest (this is of course assuming that all of the cards are listed on the alert on the first card...check the fine print and ask if in doubt).

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